Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Punks

Here we are at our age and we are finding ourselves. Only kidding. Went to a Halloween Party on Saturday night and had a great time. Friends from elementary school. It was crazy. Everyone was dressed. Me and Joey had better costumes then the kids. They dresses as bums. James won his championship soccer match. It lasted 2 1/2 hrs. on election night. Went into over time 2 -10 minutes periods. Andrew had another great season in football 8-1. Last game of the season and they lost 14-12. What a tear jerker. You know me, shed a tear for the boys. They were very upset. All in all we had a better record then any in the county. So they can be proud.
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1 comment:

Barry and Shannon said...

whoa carolyn...that outfit is a little fiesty! grr! you both look pretty bad ass!